2.1M earthquake at 40 km SW of Perth, Canada



Earthquake Details

Time (UTC) Date Location Magnitude
11:36:55 2023-05-20 40 km SW of Perth, Canada 2.1

🏭 Nearby Power Generation Facilities (within 50 kilometers)

Name Capacity (MW) Owner Primary Fuel Type
Elmsley East / West 24.0 EDF Energies Nouvelles Solar
First Light I 9.1 Sunedison / Skypower Ltd Solar
First Light II 10.4 Sunedison / Skypower Ltd Solar
High Falls (OPG) 3.0 Hydro
Jones Falls 2.4 Fortis Generation East LP Hydro
Kingston Gardiner Hwy2 North 10.0 Sune Westbrook LP Solar
Kingston Gardiner Hwy2 South 10.0 Sune Hwy 2 S LP Solar
Kingston Gardiner TS Odessa 10.0 Sune Odessa LP Solar
Kingston Gardiner TS Unity Road 10.0 Sune Unity LP Solar
Kingston Mills 1.9 Fortis Generation East LP Hydro
Loyalist 54.0 Solar
Northland Power Solar Crosby 10.0 Northland Power Solar Crosby LP Solar
Northland Power Solar Mccann LP 10.0 Northland Power Solar Mccann LP Solar
Northland Power Solar North Burgess 10.0 Northland Power Solar North Burgess LP Solar
Northland Power Solar Rideau Lakes 10.0 Northland Power Solar Rideau Lakes LP Solar
Smiths Falls 5 10.0 Aurora Smiths Falls 5 LP Solar
Sol-Luce Kingston 100.0 Kingston Solar LP Solar
Stone Mills 11.0 Dif Infrastructure III Solar
Sune Newboro 1 10.0 Sune Ray LP Solar
Sune Newboro 4 10.0 Sune Newboro 4 LP Solar